pexels pixabay 162540PEORIA – State Senator Dave Koehler (D-Peoria) wants to make sure all fire departments and ambulance services know that the Office of the State Fire Marshal is accepting applications for its Small Equipment Grant Program.

“During a time when local governments will rely on every last dollar, this grant program helps our firefighters and EMS providers buy vital equipment like masks and gloves,” Koehler said. “I encourage local fire departments and ambulance services to apply for this grant program.”

The program was created to help Illinois fire departments and not-for-profit ambulance services that struggle to afford the necessary equipment to do their jobs.

In June, the Small Equipment Grant Program awarded $3.5 million to 154 fire departments and EMS providers. Applicants can also apply for personal infection control items such as masks, gowns and gloves.

“We rely on our first responders, who have continued to work even during this pandemic,” Koehler said. “I’m thankful that the Office of the State Fire Marshal has this program to help them stay safe.”

Most Illinois fire departments, fire protection districts and township fire departments are eligible to apply. Stand-alone, not-for-profit ambulance service providers are eligible to apply as well.

For more information, visit the state fire marshal’s website.