peoria bus 111320PEORIA – The Greater Peoria Mass Transit District was named a recipient of a $16.7 million grant to improve Peoria’s mass transit system, State Senator Dave Koehler (D-Peoria) announced Friday.

“It’s an unfortunate truth that public transportation systems can easily fall into disrepair, which creates issues for people without reliable access to a vehicle,” Koehler said. “Whether it’s for commuting to work, making a trip to the grocery store, or picking up your child from school, people have to have reliable public transportation systems. This is an important investment to make in Peoria.”

Grant funds will be used for new or renovated buses, transit stations and maintenance facilities. This is the first of three grant cycles for mass transit projects through the Rebuild Illinois plan, with the next two set to occur in 2021 and 2023.

A complete list of local providers and awards can be viewed at