MANTENO – Senate Democrats joined company leaders and local and state officials Friday to announce Gotion’s historic decision to locate its new $2 billion electric vehicle lithium battery manufacturing plant in Manteno, representing a significant step forward in strengthening the EV supply chain and creating more than 2,600 new, good-paying jobs in Kankakee County.

“The legislature and governor have worked diligently to create a stable, predictable economic climate in which business can thrive,” said Illinois Senate President Don Harmon (D-Oak Park). “Our partnership with Gotion is possible thanks to years of hard work and investment. Illinois is one of the best places in the world to do business.”

Bolstered by a Reimagining Energy and Vehicles Illinois incentive package and the new Invest in Illinois fund, Gotion’s new state-of-the-art EV battery plant will help strengthen the supply chain and meet the growing demand for batteries in the EV sector across North America. The facility will focus on lithium-ion battery cell, battery pack production and energy storage system integration. Once completed, the facility in Manteno is expected to produce 10 GWh of lithium-ion battery packs and 40 GWh of lithium-ion battery cells.

“I am thrilled to see this groundbreaking development of Gotion’s state-of-the-art EV battery plant right here in Kankakee County,” said State Senator Patrick Joyce (D-Essex). “This facility not only represents a step forward in strengthening the EV supply chain, but also highlights Illinois' commitment to innovation and job creation.”

With competitive incentives through REV Illinois, unmatched infrastructure, access to markets and an abundant and qualified workforce, Gotion selected Illinois to locate its gigafactory after a competitive nationwide search. In addition to the comprehensive incentive package and local property tax abatement, Gotion will also be the first recipient of $125 million through the Invest in Illinois Fund. Senate Democrats supported the creation of the Invest in Illinois Fund in this year’s state budget to make Illinois more attractive when vying for large projects in highly competitive sectors like clean energy.

“Illinois is emerging as a nationwide leader in the electric vehicle industry,” said Senator Elgie Sims Jr. (D-Chicago). “To see our state government providing more opportunities for long-term careers in this ever-growing industry is exciting and shows that we are committed to sustainable innovation.”

The plant is expected to begin production in 2024. View the REV Illinois agreement and Gotion’s Invest in Illinois agreement online.