harmon 011321SPRINGFIELD – Senate President Don Harmon (D-Oak Park) issued the following statement after the General Assembly passed sweeping legislation championed by the Illinois Legislative Black Caucus to address systemic racism:

“In a system purposefully and permanently designed to contain all but incremental change, we have accomplished something sweeping in scope and dramatic in impact.

“The members of the Illinois Legislative Black Caucus, working with the Latino Caucus, led the way in developing a package of legislation that attacks the root of the racism that is systemically embedded in every aspect of our lives.


“The children in this state are not receiving equitable education. The same economic opportunities are not truly available to all people. And far, far too many Black and brown men, women and children have died at the hands of those who were meant to protect them.


“The legislation we passed addresses each of those points and moves us toward a brighter future. It is the result of dozens of hours of passionate, difficult and sometimes uncomfortable conversations.

“I am thankful to all members of the Black and Latino caucuses for their hard work and willingness to invite us to be a part of the solution.

“Let me be clear. Our work is not done. The unjust foundations of our society were not built quickly and they will not be dismantled with ease. But we have taken a great step forward today, and I look forward to the road ahead.”