crotty 110520SPRINGFIELD – Senate President Don Harmon issued the following statement after former Senator Maggie Crotty passed away:

"I was saddened to learn of the passing of Maggie Crotty, someone with whom I dearly loved working.

"Maggie and I came into the Senate at the same time. She had a rare combination of tenacity and toughness mixed with a kind and gentle demeanor. She would greet everyone with a smile and a hug, but she could size up a huckster a mile away. She never failed to stand up for the causes that were important to her.

"Maggie came from local government, so she believed that government should be close to and accountable to the people. She was a proud Democrat but never lost sight of the fact that she represented everyone in her district, no matter their party affiliation.

"If you were a local group visiting the Capitol, Maggie went out of her way to make you feel like you were home. Tours, pictures, the works. She loved the people and places of the south suburbs and made sure everyone knew.

"My condolences to her friends and family, as she will surely be missed in the suburbs and throughout the state.”

Senator Michael Hastings (D-Frankfort), who succeded Crotty in the Senate, shared these comments on social media:

“I am saddened to learn of the passing of a true giant for the Southland, former State Sen. Maggie Crotty. I had the good fortune to replace Maggie in the State Senate in 2013 when she retired. But I have known her for many years.

"Maggie Crotty was a dedicated and committed public servant and even better person. She might have come across as the nice, sweet grandmother and treated strangers as if they had been friends for years.

"But make no mistake, she was a skilled politician who had an instinct like no other.
She worked tirelessly to help lift up others, from local social service agencies serving the homeless to our senior citizens.

"Maggie rightfully earned top awards from associations representing park districts, health care facilities and taxpayers because she knew how to build strong relationships and work in a bipartisan manner to solve problems.

"Her health deteriorated recently and she has left us far too soon. But Maggie Crotty’s legacy and accomplishments, and warm memories of her positive attitude and endless energy, will last.

"Maggie, thank you for everything you have done for the 19th Senate District, the Southland and the state of Illinois. We will miss you.”