WHM vid post 033023The women of the Illinois Senate Democratic Caucus play an integral role in the historic changes being made to make Illinois successful. This Women’s History Month, senators took the time to highlight some of the most influential women who have had a deep impact in their lives. From women who helped found the NAACP, to those who spearheaded the Women’s Suffrage Movement, these women in history have paved the way for the women in the Senate to obtain powerful leadership roles in government.

Shirley Chisolm, Ida B. Wells, Mary Church Terrell, Clara Barton, Justice Sonia Sotomayor, Patsy Mink, Nellie Quander, Malala, Jane Goodall, Pauli Murray, Dr. Frances Kelsey, Irma Romero, and Catherin Waugh McCulloch, are the women you will hear being highlighted this Women’s History Month.