Sen. Villivalam

MCCOOK – State Senator Ram Villivalam announced the launch of a historic multi-year infrastructure program aimed to build and repair infrastructure across all 102 counties in Illinois, continuing the transformative impact of the Rebuild Illinois initiative.

“It is imperative that we continue to invest in our transportation system – a vital resource for all communities across our state,” said Villivalam (D-Chicago). “With these new investments, we are working to ensure that everyone has the ability to access health care services, economic opportunities, visit with loved ones and much more.”

The record $41.42 billion multi-year program is partly attributed to the early engineering and planning efforts of Rebuild Illinois and the federal Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act of 2021, which have spurred increased construction activity. The previous record was $40.99 billion in 2023.

“We are pleased to see important investments being made to build, improve, and maintain our state’s highways and multi-modal transportation systems,” said Tim Drea, IL AFL-CIO president.

The new plan is multimodal and comprehensive, investing in roads, bridges, aviation, transit, freight and passenger rail, waterways and bicycle and pedestrian accommodations. It will invest $29.65 billion in state roads and bridges, with $5.3 billion identified for the current fiscal year. Another $11.77 billion has been allocated for other modes of transportation, including transit, freight and passenger rail, aviation, and ports and waterways.

“Investment in infrastructure is one of our state’s most critical assets, and Illinois will remain a powerful economic leader while providing an increasingly better quality of life for our residents,” said Chicago Federation of Labor President Bob Reiter. “Continuing our state’s commitment to creating jobs by investing in our roads, rails, ports and bridges is commitment to our economic future.”

The program will build and improve 3,214 miles of roads as well as 8.8 million square feet of bridge deck on the state system, with anticipated funding maintaining 843 miles of roads and more than one million square feet of bridge deck overseen by local governments.

To learn more about the new plan, click here.