villivalam 051524SPRINGFIELD - A measure sponsored by State Senator Ram Villivalam would expand eligibility for the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program.

“No person should have to worry about how they are going to afford their utility bills,” said Villivalam (D-Chicago). “Expanding LIHEAP provides us a unique opportunity to give some of our most vulnerable residents a sense of security.”

House Bill 4141 would allow people to apply for LIHEAP if they live in subsidized housing, if their rental expenses are no more than 30% of the household income, or if their energy bill is a portion of their rent.

LIHEAP helps eligible low-income households pay for home energy services – primarily heating during winter months.

“By expanding the eligibility for this program, we are continuing to invest in our community,” said Villivalam. “Home energy is a basic human right – we should treat it as such.”

House Bill 4141 passed the Senate on Wednesday and now heads to the governor’s desk.