Arab American Heritage Month


Arab American Heritage Month first became nationally recognized on April 1, 2021.

The U.S. Department of State issued a proclamation acknowledging the month of April as the sanctioned commemoration of Arab Americans’ history, culture and legacies. The initiative was supported by Congress and a large number of governors through additional written proclamations.

Since AAHM’s official announcement, only four states have taken official action in maintaining such an initiative on the state level. Illinois is among these four states.

In 2018, House Bill 5971 was signed by the governor, declaring the month of April as Arab American Heritage Month in which the accomplishments and contributions of Arab Americans would be celebrated.

"Illinois is living up to its commitment to being the most welcoming state as it continues to promote an accepting environment in which diversity is celebrated,” said State Senator Ram Villivalam (D-Chicago). “Arab American Heritage Month is a crucial step forward as it provides a greater sense of focus on the valuable contributions of Arab Americans and awareness on issues that directly impact their community.”

More than 450,000 Illinois residents are of Arab American descent and assets to their community in respect to growth and prosperity.

Illinois celebrates its diverse populations as they continue to enrich our state through culture, art, traditions, languages, cuisine and so much more. By honoring AAHM and establishing other celebratory months, we encourage the generations of tomorrow to respect and value the contributions of all our neighbors.
