villivalam 070921­CHICAGO – In an effort to protect families from increased gun violence, a comprehensive gun safety and licensure modernization package sponsored by State Senator Ram Villivalam (D-Chicago) was signed into law today.

“This critical legislation will keep guns out of the hands of dangerous people through implementing universal background checks, empowering partners in law enforcement to act before the next tragedy can occur, and dedicating life-saving mental health funding to communities most impacted by gun violence,” said Senator Villivalam.

The new law encourages voluntary fingerprint submission to streamline the cross referencing of state and federal firearms-prohibiting records. FOID holders who voluntarily submit fingerprints would be offered incentives such as streamlined renewal and transfer processes.

The Illinois State Police would also be given the authority to revoke FOID and CCL cards from residents who appear on state and federal firearms-prohibiting records, as well as to synchronize data on firearm, drug and human trafficking and to establish a public database of stolen firearms to prevent their transfer to unsuspecting gun owners.

The measure creates the Mental Health Reporting Fund to offer community- and school-based mental health programs in areas most affected by gun violence.

House Bill 562 is effective Jan. 1, 2022 and will be fully implemented by Jan. 1, 2024.