villivalam 051421CHICAGO – To better serve undocumented and immigrant communities, State Senator Ram Villivalam (D-Chicago) passed legislation in the Illinois Senate on Thursday that would allow municipal ID cards to be used to access state services and facilities.

“All residents of Illinois, regardless of immigration status, should be able to receive essential state services,” Villivalam said. “Allowing municipal IDs to be used for this will allow the most vulnerable among us to get the assisstance they need.”

The legislation would allow municipal ID cards, such as Chicago’s CityKey, to be accepted as a secondary form of identification to access state services and facilities. According to the Chicago City Clerk, the state currently does not accept CityKey as a form of identification on any state applications or entry to state buildings to apply for state benefits such as SNAP and WIC.

The legislation, Senate Bill 2460, passed the Illinois Senate and awaits consideration before the Illinois House.