asianamerican 090820CHICAGO – State Senator Ram Villivalam (D-Chicago) is strongly encouraging all Asian Americans to fill out the census before the deadline closes.

“We need to ensure Asian Americans have access to all of the same state services as other Illinois residents,” said Villivalam, the first Asian American elected to the Illinois Senate and the Co-Chair of the Illinois General Assembly’s Asian American Caucus. “I represent one of the most culturally diverse districts in the state. I am extremely grateful for the numerous contributions our Asian American neighbors, friends and family have brought to our community – everything from cultural to the culinary traditions.” 

According to the Census Bureau, Asian Americans from countries like India and China are the fastest growing demographic group in Illinois with a population that has increased by 24% since 2010. Asian Americans now account for 5.7% of the people in the state. 

The fact that Asian Americans are the fastest growing group in Illinois is a reminder of how important it is to fill out the census.

“If the Asian American community wants to have the representation it deserves in government and its fair share of federal resources, we all need to fill out the census,” Villivalam said. 

The census can be completed by phone at 844-330-2020, mail, or online at