Illinois Tollway

CHICAGO – In response to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the state’s economy and more specifically, Illinois’ transportation and infrastructure system and workforce, State Senator Ram Villivalam (D-Chicago), chair of the Senate Transportation Committee, led a virtual hearing focused on transparency and diversity goals as it relates to contracts with the Illinois Tollway Authority. 

Among those who gave testimony to the committee were representatives from the Illinois Tollway Authority, the Illinois Road and Transportation Builders Association, the African American Contractors Association, the American Council of Engineering Companies, the Hispanic American Construction Industry Association, the Federation of Women Contractors, and the Asian American Contractors Enterprise.

“This was an important open and honest dialogue on Transparency and Diversity Goals as it relates to the process in which contracts are selected through the Illinois Tollway,” Villivalam said. “The selection and procurement processes for contracts with the Illinois Tollway should be transparent and the Diversity Goals that have been set forth should be met, if not exceeded. The safety of our residents, our role as stewards of taxpayer dollars, and the stability of our local economy depends on it.”

Villivalam, the committee and stakeholders said they will continue to work together to enhance transparency and diversity goals, both administratively and legislatively.