contact tracing 080420CHICAGO – In light of the recent spikes in COVID-19 cases around the country, State Senator Ram Villivalam (D-Chicago) is asking anyone who is able to consider applying to become a contact tracer for the Chicago or Cook County Health Department.  

“Illinoisans have been and need to continue to do a decent job of limiting the spread of the virus by wearing a mask, socially distancing, and washing their hands for 20 seconds,” Villivalam said. “However, while we are doing relatively well compared to other states in the country, we can’t afford to relax our efforts. If you are able, please consider becoming a contact tracer to help us stop any new major outbreaks in our communities.” 

The Chicago Department of Public Health has received a $56 million grant to create the COVID Contact Tracing Corp and COVID Resource Coordination Hub, while the Cook County Department of Public Health has received almost $41 million in COVID-19 relief funding from the Illinois Department of Public Health via the FEMA Disaster Relief Act and the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act. 

Contact tracing is the multi-step process of identifying, assessing, and managing people who have come into contact with a positive case of COVID-19 and connecting them to resources to help them during quarantine. The CDPH is looking to expand and diversify its workforce up to 600 people and the CCDPH is looking to expand its workforce to 400 people. Bilingual and multilingual speakers are needed to help with outreach to all of Chicago’s diverse communities. Contact tracers in Chicago will earn $20 per hour, with supervisors able to earn $24 per hour. 

Individuals interested in applying to become a contact tracer can find the IDPH Contact Tracing Program interest form on IDPH’s website. More general information is available on the City of Chicago’s website and the CCDPH website