covid mass transit 073120

CHICAGO – Acting in his capacity as chair of the Senate Transportation Committee, State Senator Ram Villivalam (D-Chicago) has sent a letter to all mass transit agencies in Illinois to inquire about the steps they are taking to protect both their passengers and employees.


“Public transit is essential to people’s lives and livelihoods,” Villivalam said. “Its continued availability is crucial to reviving our state’s economy, but without proper safety precautions, our buses and trains could also help spread COVID-19.” 

Villivalam, along with several of his colleagues, have asked the state’s transit agencies to explain their COVID-19 safety precautions. They’ve asked the agencies to detail their requirements and procedures for testing, tracing, temperature checks, sanitation, and employee pay. They’ve also encouraged the agencies to provide more information about safety procedures like mask requirements and capacity limits.

State Senator Don DeWitte (R-St. Charles), Minority Spokesperson of the Senate Transportation Committee, added that the Committee has a responsibility to the public to ensure that the appropriate steps are being taken by mass transit agencies to protect their health and safety.

“In order for mass transit riders to comfortably return, there must be assurance that all necessary steps are being taken to ensure that not only the staff is being monitored and tested to prevent the spread of infection, but also that there is regular cleaning of all areas and surfaces that riders come in contact with,” said Sen. DeWitte.

Villivalam and his colleagues are looking forward to working with the state’s transit agencies to ensure the safety of all Illinoisans as they return to work and reopen the state economy.

Villivalam is especially concerned about mass transit, as many working class families rely on buses and trains for all of their travel needs, including going to work and school.