vanpelt 022620

SPRINGFIELD – Senator Patricia Van Pelt (D-Chicago) recently filed legislation that would require an employer to reimburse an employee within 30-45 days after the receipt of a required business expense, a common workplace scenario that currently isn’t governed by any sort of statute.

“A lot of employees despair of ever seeing their business expenses reimbursed,” Van Pelt said. “This should be a common labor protection, just as a 40-hour workweek is. Employees who float costs for their employers should receive reimbursements in a timelier manner.”

Employers would also have clearer guidelines on what does and does not constitute a reimbursable expense. An employee authorized to work from home, but not required to, would not be entitled to reimbursement for any related expenses under the proposal.

The Illinois Chamber of Commerce supports Senate Bill 3307, which just passed the Labor committee this afternoon. It awaits further action from the Senate.