breonna4 092420CHICAGO – Wednesday, a grand jury indicted a former police officer involved in the March shooting of Breonna Taylor, but on charges of wanton endangerment. None of the three officers involved in the shooting were charged for Breonna’s death, and State Senator Patricia Van Pelt (D-Chicago) is infuriated.

“This is one of the grossest acts of injustice I have seen in my lifetime. This decision made by the grand jury suggests that the walls of Breonna’s neighbors mattered more than her life. Further, this decision is proof that the system is deeply flawed, and so broken that there is no accountability for the people who murdered Breonna Taylor in her own home.

“So again, our cry, ‘Black Lives Matter,’ has fallen upon deaf ears. Again, we have seen those who are supposed to protect and serve take life and evoke fear. But we will not stay silent. We will keep marching, we will keep demanding equality, and protesting peacefully.

“And I will not stop fighting until there is no longer a need for hashtags for those who have lost their lives unjustly. Breonna Taylor’s life mattered, and I pray for peace for her family and loved ones.”