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SPRINGFIELD – Senate Democrats celebrated the Illinois Department of Transportation’s announcement Tuesday that $113.8 million has been awarded to downstate transit providers as part of the historic Rebuild Illinois capital program. The funding brings the total investment in downstate transit via competitive grants to $337.8 million.

The third round of Rebuild Illinois grants will advance more than 40 projects for downstate transit partners. Awards are supporting projects that include the purchase of new vehicles as well as the construction of bus shelters, stations and maintenance facilities that expand and improve service. These improvements will provide more transportation options in downstate communities and promote an enhanced quality of life.

“Infrastructure investments are vital to expanding downstate transportation needs,” said State Senator Doris Turner (D-Springfield). “We have seen remarkable improvements through the Rebuild Illinois capital program. Expanding Decatur’s transit campus, buying additional buses and installing solar panels on the bus barn will increase accessibility for residents to get around town.”

A total of 32 transit systems are receiving $113.8 million to advance 44 projects, including:

  • $10.8 million for the electrification of St. Clair County Transit District vehicles with charging stations.
  • $7.2 million for hybrid bus replacement in the Champaign-Urbana Mass Transit District.
  • $6 million for the Rock Island County Metropolitan Mass Transit District to replace six buses with zero emission buses.
  • $7 million for the Sangamon Mass Transit District to expand or repair facilities and construct a secondary transfer center.
  • $2 million for the City of Macomb and McDonough County Public Transportation to purchase new buses.

The first two rounds of downstate transit grants went to projects that renovated transit facility and passenger information kiosks for the Champaign-Urbana Mass Transit District, a new transportation center and headquarters in downtown Bloomington and a training facility and dispatch center for the West Central Mass Transit District in Jacksonville.

To find a full list of projects, visit IDOT’s website.
