Be Counted FBCHICAGO –State Senator Heather Steans encouraged residents of the 7th Senate District to fill out the 2020 Census, protecting their representation in government and share of federal funding.

“Reporting rates are still below where they were in the 2010 census, and that means a less clear picture of how many people live here and what their needs are,” Steans said. “The census is more important than ever in determining what resources we get from the federal government, and filling it out has never been easier.”

Portions of Edgewater and Ravenswood lagged behind state averages in reporting in 2010 and continue to as the 2020 Census progresses so far this year.

Although filling out the questionnaire online is the quickest way to complete it, respondents can also submit their questionnaires by phone or by mail. Higher self-response rates mean fewer individuals are likely to receive visits from census surveyors to be counted in-person, something particularly important this year, Steans said.

“Census workers are doing everything they can to count everyone, and the more of us respond electronically or by mail, the fewer places those workers will need to go in person,” Steans said. “Let’s help them while we’re making sure we all count.”

Those who haven’t filled out the census questionnaire yet can visit to find the online questionnaire and additional information about the census. To see local response rates across Illinois and the entire nation, visit