buckledpavement 071320ROCKFORD – In anticipation of extreme summer heat across Illinois, State Senator Steve Stadelman (D-Rockford) reminds drivers to remain alert, expect slowdowns and be cautious of pavement buckling on roads.

“We all know the heat during the summer months can cause health issues and increase the risk of buckling pavement on our roads,” Stadelman said. “I’m asking Rockford residents to simply be more mindful of this when they take to the roads, and if they see any unsafe buckling to report it to roadway officials.”

According to the Illinois Department of Transportation, pavement failures or blowouts occur when prolonged high temperatures cause the road to expand and buckle up or blow out, resulting in uneven driving surfaces. Precipitation and humidity increase the potential for buckling.

Stadelman is also reminding drivers to slow down and be cautious of construction workers when present.

Pavement failures can be reported to IDOT by calling 800-452-4368 or by reaching out to law enforcement via 911.