stadelman 052224SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Steve Stadelman is leading a measure to bolster local journalism by ensuring fair compensation from big tech platforms.

“Local journalism is a cornerstone of our democracy, providing essential information that keeps our communities informed and engaged,” said Stadelman (D-Rockford). “This legislation ensures that news publishers are fairly compensated for their work, which is increasingly being utilized by large tech platforms for profit.”

The legislation, known as the Journalism Preservation Act, seeks to address the financial challenges faced by local news publishers in the digital age. It would mandate that major online platforms pay local news publishers for the use of their content. An arbitration process would be set up to determine the appropriate compensation each platform must pay to the news publishers.

“The health of our local journalism industry directly impacts the health of our democracy,” said Stadelman. “This bill is not just about fair compensation – it’s about preserving the vital role that local news organizations play in our society.”

Senate Bill 3591 passed the Senate Executive Committee on Wednesday and heads to the full Senate for further consideration.