voting booth

SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Steve Stadelman is leading a measure to protect election workers from threats and harassment.

“Election workers are the backbone of our democracy,” said Stadelman (D-Rockford). “People working for elections should be able to perform their job without the threat of violence or harassment.”

Senate Bill 2932 would prohibit people from intimidating or threatening an election worker with the intent to interfere with their election-related duties. A person who violates these provisions would be guilty of a petty offense and subject to a fine of up to $1,000. According to the Brennan Center, nearly one in three election officials have been harassed, abused, or threatened because of their job.

“Election workers play a crucial role in protecting the integrity of our democratic process,” said Stadelman. “We must do what we can to safeguard the rights of election workers and ensure they can perform their jobs without interference.”

Senate Bill 2932 was assigned to the Senate Subcommittee on Elections.