Road Construction Ahead

ROCKFORD – State Senator Steve Stadelman (D-Rockford) joined Governor J.B. Pritzker at the Rockford Police Department this afternoon to celebrate a Rebuild Illinois project that will help revitalize Rockford’s west side.

The project is the second phase of a plan to improve U.S. Business 20/West State Street from Day Avenue to Independence Avenue. The first phase included reconstruction of West State from Independence Avenue to Kent Creek.

“The project already has provided economic growth and a higher quality of life to an area long in need of a boost, “said Stadelman, citing improvements that include the new District 1 police station and Crusader Community Health rebuilding its main campus in the same West State location. “I’m thankful the state of Illinois is in the position to continue its work helping redevelop an at-risk neighborhood and a gateway into Rockford’s resurgent downtown.”

Besides reconstruction and widening of West State from two to four lanes, the project’s second phase includes the addition of decorative lighting, a pedestrian and bicycle path and reconstruction of sidewalk ramps to make the area more accessible for individuals with limited mobility.

“The non-road improvements are critical components to securing the neighborhood’s future as a vibrant place where families want to live and where they prosper,” Stadelman said.

A stretch of West State from Meridian Road to Springfield Avenue also is set to be resurfaced, beginning in April and concluding by the end of this summer.