Senator Stadelman

SPRINGFIELD – Leading legislation to give survivors of abuse more comfort and accessibility filing a protective order, State Senator Steve Stadelman (D-Rockford) hosted a press conference Wednesday to bring more awareness to the ongoing issues survivors face.  

“The weight of trauma a survivor carries becomes detrimental as they struggle to cope with grief and take the steps necessary to begin to heal,” Stadelman said. “By giving survivors the opportunity to file for protective orders at their own pace in the safety of their own home, we are giving them the keys to move forward.”

Stadelman’s measure would give people the option to file a protective order either online or in-person. The measure would also require any court in a county with a population above 250,000 to offer the option of a remote hearing to the petitioner for a protective order.

“As legislators, it is our responsibility to ensure the safety and wellbeing of survivors of domestic abuse through the entirety of the reporting process,” said State Senator John Connor (D-Lockport), a chief co-sponsor of the legislation. “The justice system should provide support for any trauma survivor attempting to find peace.”

Any and all types of protective orders would be covered under this legislation.

"The Network: Advocating Against Domestic Violence supports SB3667 because we have seen how survivors of gender-based violence have greater access to life-saving legal protections when remote access is available,” said Amanda Pyron, executive director of The Network: Advocating Against Domestic Violence. “During the pandemic, survivors who were hospitalized, ill, or simply unable to leave their homes safely were afforded legal protections and remedies in response to violence perpetrated against them. We are pleased with the progress Cook County has made is sustaining remote access and look forward to this continuing across the State of Illinois."

Senate Bill 3667 allows both the petitioner and the respondent to appear for related hearings remotely or in-person – and the courts would also have the discretion to grant or deny the request for a remote hearing.  

“The Illinois Coalition Against Sexual Assault fully supports passage of SB3667. This legislation provides survivors of sexual violence the choices they deserve when filing for protective orders,” said Illinois Coalition Against Sexual Assault Executive Director Carrie Ward. “The availability of an online option is critical in giving survivors the opportunity to secure their protective orders in the safest and easiest way possible. This legislation is an important first step in changing the way the orders are accessed and hopefully it will soon be followed by everyone in the state gaining the option to request protective orders in this manner. ”

Senate Bill 3667 will be heard on the Senate Floor for further deliberation.
