stadelman 080221ROCKFORD – State Senator Steve Stadelman (D-Rockford) is happy to share that the State Historic Preservation Office will award Rockford a $19,000 grant for a survey of historic industrial buildings.

“Honoring the places where Rockford’s industrial economy began helps us commemorate our past,” Stadelman said. “This grant gives the city the tools to survey and identify the historical importance of many of the old buildings that still exist within Rockford today.”

The Illinois Department of Natural Resources recently announced more than $131,400 in funding for local governments for nine historic preservation projects through the National Park Service’s Historic Preservation Fund.

Rockford was selected for a comprehensive survey of historic industrial buildings built between 1850 and 1930. The city will receive $19,000 in Federal Historic Preservation Funds and provide $7,000 in matching funds toward the program.

Rockford has seen a significant amount of new development, largely due to the River Edge Historic Tax Credit Program, which gives a state income-tax credit to the owners of historic structures matching 25% of rehabilitation project costs. Examples of projects made possible by the program are Prairie Street Brewhouse, the Rockford Trust Building, Midtown Lofts and the Handley Building, all located downtown.

“Taking a look back at the industrial start of Rockford and the many factories that called this city home allows us to recognize how they shaped the area,” Stadelman said. “These funds will help us identify the importance of many of these historic buildings and make preservation decisions for the future.”

The SHPO is planning another round of grants in the fall.  Information on how to apply for Certified Local Government grants is available on the IDNR website.