stadelman airport 051221SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Steve Stadelman (D-Rockford) is highlighting a funding opportunity that will help local airports expand and increase economic development through the Rebuild Illinois statewide construction program.

“I’m thrilled the state is investing in our local airports,” Stadelman said. “This funding would help airports like Chicago Rockford expand while also boosting our local economy.”

The Illinois Department of Transportation announced that the Rebuild Illinois program will provide $94 million in funding to improve public airports throughout the state. Through a competitive grant process, airports can submit project proposals for updates, improvements, and extensions of their facilities.

Airports must be for public use and included in the Illinois Aviation System Plan to be eligible for the funding. Applications are due June 14 to be eligible for grants of up to $25 million.

Application information is available by visiting IDOT’s Airport Improvement Program page. Awards are anticipated to be announced later this year.