seversondells 030821ROCKFORD – Each year, the Illinois Department of Natural Resources selects schools across the state to receive grants for field trips. This year, Senator Steve Stadelman (D-Rockford) is congratulating Cherry Valley Elementary School’s 3rd grade class on being selected as a winner.

“This Biodiversity Grant Program provides an excellent chance for students to expand their education outside of the classroom,” Stadelman said. “I’m pleased that the students at Cherry Valley Elementary School were chosen for this great opportunity.”

The program allows schools to take students to state parks, museums, and other natural resource locations to gain hands-on experience with nature and conservation in Illinois.

Four classes selected for the grant will take a trip to Severson Dells Nature Center, which hosts environmental education courses in the 369-acre Severson Dells Forest Preserve. At the center, students have the opportunity to see first-hand some of what they are learning about in the classroom and expand their knowledge of Illinois and its natural resources.

More information about the Illinois Biodiversity Field Trip Grant Program is available from the IDNR Division of Education at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 217-524-4126. The 2022 application form will be available at