stadelman 03042020CM0683ROCKFORD – The Illinois Department of Transportation announced Friday that over $350 million in funding is set to be allocated as part of the Rebuild Illinois Capital Project. State Senator Steve Stadelman (D-Rockford) is pleased to announced that the Rockford Mass Transit District will receive a portion of those funds.

“The Rebuild Illinois project is a great way for the state to make much needed and  long-overdue infrastructure improvements, and I’m pleased that the Rockford Mass Transit District will be receiving a grant,” Stadelman said. “Every day, thousands of people rely on the RMTD to get to and from home, work or school or to visit one of the countless local businesses that make our city great. With this grant, they’ll be able to provide a better and safer experience for riders, which is even more crucial during a global pandemic that is causing people to rethink their travel habits.”

IDOT will provide the RMTD with $6.85 million, which will be used for various maintenance related projects including:

  • The purchase of new paratransit units and alternative fuel buses to replace existing vehicles that have reached the end of their lifespan;
  • The purchase of technology, including radios, computer tablets, cameras and automatic passengers counters, to help enhance safety, improve operation connectivity, and streamline the process of transferring to the Stateline Mass Transit District; and
  • The design, construction, purchase and installation of various electric and power equipment to reduce levels of energy consumption and greenhouse gas emission.

“These funds will go a long way toward helping the Rockford Mass Transit District provide a more modern, efficient service that will greatly benefit those who use the system as well as the city of Rockford as a whole,” Stadelman said.

Friday’s announcement was the first of three grant distribution cycles, with the subsequent two scheduled to be released in 2021 and 2023. A full list of grant recipients from the first cycle can be found here.