peters 031224SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Robert Peters passed legislation through the Senate Judiciary Committee on Tuesday to help more survivors of domestic and sexual violence know their rights and options for safe housing.

“This legislation will help more survivors understand their housing rights in Illinois,” said Peters (D-Chicago). “By ensuring tenants are aware of their rights, we are empowering them to access the support they need.”

Senate Bill 3652 requires the Illinois Department of Human Rights to create a summary outlining the rights and courses of action for tenants and their household members who are survivors of domestic or sexual violence. This includes their rights to end a lease early, change locks for safety reasons and to access relevant housing protections.


This summary of rights would be given to every tenant when they sign a lease, ensuring all survivors and their families have easily accessible and timely notification of their rights. Landlords who fail to provide the summary face fines up to $2,000.


“Individuals affected by domestic and sexual violence need access to this vital information for the well-being of themselves and their families,” said Peters. “We need to take the initiative of sharing this information with survivors in a way that doesn’t put them further at risk or pressure them to disclose their abuse.”

Senate Bill 3652 now heads to the full Senate for further consideration.