peters 030524SPRINGFIELD – To empower survivors of domestic abuse and gender-based violence, State Senator Robert Peters advanced legislation from the Senate Judiciary Committee on Tuesday addressing re-sentencing provisions as it pertains to survivors.

“Survivors ought to have more reasonable protections under the law to help them flee existing dangerous situations and challenge misguided plea deals,” said Peters (D-Chicago). “Strengthening legal frameworks for individuals involved in domestic violence situations empower survivors to navigate the justice system and seek protection from abusive environments.”


In response to the Illinois Supreme Court decision in People v. Wells, which held that re-sentencing appeals do not apply to people who pled guilty — including survivors of domestic violence or sexual violence — Peters drafted Senate Bill 3285 that allows survivors who previously accepted a plea deal to petition for reduced sentencing or reversed charges. This initiative aims to improve justice outcomes for survivors and advocate for reducing the incarceration of survivors who were compelled into accepting plea deals.


 “Domestic violence is a public health issue across the state and beyond,” said Peters. “We have to take a look at our current policies and practices and rewrite them to be more holistic and inclusive for survivors and their families.”

Senate Bill 3285 now waits to be heard by the full Senate.