day labor 051923SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Robert Peters passed a measure Friday expanding the Day and Temporary Labor Services Act.

“I often hear unfortunate stories of temporary workers who were harmed by hazardous materials at their jobsite. Working in a safe and healthy environment is a human right,” said Peters (D-Chicago). “This measure increases safety and transparency for temporary workers while also instilling long overdue compensation for their work, which is often taken for granted.”

Under current law, the Day and Temporary Labor Services Act imposes stipulations for staffing agencies such as  providing transportation and safety equipment to workers, providing an itemized list of wages due to workers and maintaining records related to third party clients.

House Bill 2862 dictates that temporary laborers assigned to a third party client for more than 90 days will be paid no less than the rate of pay and equivalent benefits as the lowest paid hired employee of the client with the same level of seniority and performing the same or substantially similar work.

The measure also requires agencies to notify laborers that the assigned workplace is where a strike, lockout, or other labor trouble exists and that the laborers have a right to refuse the workplace assignment.

“Expanding the Day and Temporary Labor Services Act is critical to addressing the unacceptable and rising workplace difficulties Black and Brown workers face,” Peters said. “Illinois is a pro-labor state that takes workplace safety and equitable pay seriously. We have proven that again today by passing this bill that not only sets the bar nationally for temporary worker protections, but provides regulators with the tools they need to ensure industry-wide compliance with the law. I would like to thank the Chicago Workers Collaborative, the Illinois AFL-CIO and State Representative Edgar Gonzalez for their hard work and determination to increase safety for temporary workers.”

House Bill 2862 passed the House Friday.