peters 050423SPRINGFIELD –State Senator Robert Peters joined a press conference Wednesday alongside State Representative Edgar Gonzalez, Jr., Illinois AFL-CIO President Tim Drea and fellow Senate colleagues to support the passage of the Temp Worker Fairness & Safety Act.

“Illinois remains one of the leaders in the nation in temporary staffing employment,” said Peters (D-Chicago). “As a leader, we must establish measures that protect such an important demographic that stretches across major economic sectors.”

According to the AFL-CIO, temporary workers are paid almost 40% less than direct hires performing similar work. Additionally, 84% of temporary workers in Illinois experience wage theft.

Senate Bill 281 contains a number of provisions aimed at expanding transparency and safety for temporary and day workers, including requiring third party clients and temporary or day labor service agencies to provide training on safe operating procedures for machinery that laborers may encounter on the job. Under the legislation, agencies would also be required to notify temporary workers in writing that their assigned workplace is where a strike, lockout or other labor dispute is occurring and that the laborers have a right to refuse the workplace assignment.

Further, the measure ensures that temporary workers who are assigned to work with a third party client for more than one week receive the average rate of pay and equivalent benefits as employees who would otherwise be hired full-time.

“Temporary workers deserve to work under safe and equal conditions,” said Peters. “This measure seeks to support temporary workers to ensure they are able work in an environment that supports pay equity and upholds their right to advocate for their needs.”

Senate Bill 281 has been assigned to the Senate Labor Committee and awaits a hearing.