peters 032223SPRINGFIELD – With the intention to expand upon domestic violence laws, State Senator Robert Peters passed a measure through committee on Wednesday to protect victims of gender-based violence.

“Current domestic violence laws unfortunately have loopholes that can cause incarcerated survivors to get their resentencing request dismissed,” said Peters (D-Chicago). “Expanding upon current domestic violence laws and including protections for victims of gender-based violence helps survivors during their fight for freedom.”

Under current law, relief from judgement following a domestic violence incident is applied when the survivor’s offense was related to having previously having been a victim of domestic violence.

Senate Bill 2260 expands the relief from judgment process for resentencing to include certain offenses committed by a victim of gender-based violence who was unable to present evidence of gender-based violence at trial.

“Supporting survivors of gender-based violence advances true social justice,” said Peters. “Incarcerated survivors should be given a clear path to request resentencing.”

Senate Bill 2260 passed the Senate Special Committee on Criminal Law and Public Safety and will now head to the Senate floor for further consideration.