Senator Peters


Chicago – Local South Side businesses were awarded more than $5.2 million in funding from the Back to Business program thanks to advocacy and support from State Senator Robert Peters (D-Chicago).

“Small businesses across the state have been negatively impacted in the last two years, especially Black and Brown-owned businesses,” Peters said. “Grant programs like Back to Business have been vital to keeping the doors of thousands of small businesses across the state open.”

The B2B grants are awarded by the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity using funds allocated to them by the American Rescue Plan through last year’s state budget.

So far – thanks to strong support from Senator Peters – DCEO has provided $200 million in B2B grants to small businesses throughout the state with an emphasis on disproportionately impacted areas. With nearly $50 million left to go, more businesses will have the opportunity to get a share of the relief funds.

“The B2B program’s focus on hard hit sectors like restaurants, salons, fitness centers and organizations focusing on the arts really make it a nation-leading example of small business recovery,” Peters said. “I’m glad to see so many South Side businesses take advantage of this opportunity.” 

Grants will continue to be awarded on a rolling basis. Visit the DCEO website for more information on the B2B program or check the status of an existing application by logging into the portal.
