peters 012621Chicago – More communities are a step closer to addressing the problem of firearm violence related crimes after State Senator Robert Peters’ (D-Chicago) measure to bring gun violence prevention training and services to more areas was signed into law.

“The recent rise in gun violence will not be addressed until we change the policies that disproportionately have a negative impact on Black and Brown communities,” Peters said. “Soon, we will be able to work hand-in-hand with affected communities, intervening with at risk youth, supporting survivors and working from the bottom-up rather than the top-down. People in Illinois deserve public safety for all, not theater.”

The new law will expand upon the Reimagine Public Safety Act to increase the number of communities that can receive grant money for gun violence prevention, based on population size. The law will also allow for five more communities to be eligible statewide and would allow organizations to apply directly for training and technical assistance from contractors.

Peters championed the Reimagine Public Safety Act to address gun violence in Illinois by working with the communities most affected. The act was originally signed into law in June 2021 and created the Office of Firearm Violence Prevention to issue grants and provide support to violence prevention organizations in communities affected by gun violence. The measure signed today expands upon the act.

“Many Illinois communities have been impacted by an increase in gun violence,” Peters said. “True public safety belongs to the people, and it demands that we address the underlying causes of violence at the grassroots level.”

House Bill 2791 was signed today and takes immediate effect.