MurphySPRINGFIELD – State Senator Laura Murphy has advanced a measure that would increase public safety around schools and parks by allowing the use of automated speed cameras.

“Automated speed cameras can play a crucial role in deterring reckless driving and protecting our children,” said Murphy (D-Des Plaines). “Speeding near parks and schools poses a significant danger to pedestrians and park-goers.”

The measure would permit Cook County municipalities outside Chicago to install automated speed cameras in safety zones – the 660-foot buffers around schools and parks. Chicago was given the authority to establish automated speed cameras in safety zones in 2011, and Murphy’s measure would expand this permission to other Cook County municipalities with populations over 35,000.

Aligning with current law, signage designating the presence of speed cameras would need to be posted in each designated safety zone at least 30 days before the speed cameras are activated. Locations of the speed cameras must also be posted on the municipality’s website.

“Speeding in school zones and near parks in densely populated areas endangers the lives of our most vulnerable community members,” Murphy said. “Enforcing speed limits creates a safer environment for children to learn, play and grow.”

Senate Bill 698 passed the Senate Sunday. It now goes to the House for further consideration.