asthma 052523SPRINGFIELD –To ensure children with asthma, allergies and other medical conditions can enjoy after-school programs and activities safely, State Senator Laura Murphy has introduced legislation to allow program employees to administer life-saving medication to kids.

“At school, children can depend on their school nurse or other trained personnel to help with an EpiPen or inhaler. However, during after-school programs, there is not always that level of continuity with the regular school day,” said Murphy (D-Des Plaines). “This legislation will give parents the confidence and peace of mind to enroll their children in sports, art classes and other enriching programs.”

The legislation allows after-school care program personnel to administer an EpiPen or asthma medication to children in distress.

The intention of the measure is to ensure that the training requirements of schools are carried over to after-school programs. Currently, if a child suffers an asthma attack, allergic reaction or other condition at school that prevents them from being able to self-administer, a school nurse or other trained personnel must be on hand to administer the medication. There is no such requirement for after-school programs.

“After-school staff spend hours with kids every day to provide education and engagement outside the classroom,” Murphy said. “They should have the training necessary to act in case of an emergency.”

House Bill 2949 passed the Senate Wednesday.