murphy 051123SPRINGFIELD – To ensure that Illinoisans in need of insulin have affordable access to the life-saving medicine, State Senator Laura Murphy has introduced a measure to cap its price at $35.

“It’s time to ensure that individuals with insulin-dependent diabetes can afford the medicine that they need to survive,” said Murphy (D-Des Plaines). “Insulin is a vital medication, and it’s time that we put people’s health ahead of financial gain.”

Under this legislation the price of a 30-day supply of insulin would be capped at $35 for all private individual and group insurance policies.

More than 10% of the U.S. population has diabetes according to the diabetes research institute. 1 in 12 Illinoisans have insulin-dependent diabetes, approximately 1.3 million people.  According to the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, the cost of insulin has risen 600% in the last 20 years. Americans pay 10 times than that of citizens of 32 other nations. $98.70 on average compared to $8.81.

“Recently, drug manufacturers have announced they will cap the cost of insulin at $35, and I applaud this commitment,” said Murphy. “I want to ensure that this protection is enshrined in law, should pharmaceutical companies raise the prices once again.”

House Bill 2189 passed the Illinois Senate on Thursday.