Sen. Laura Murphy

SPRINGFIELD – To ensure that Illinoisans in need of insulin have affordable access to the life-saving medicine, State Senator Laura Murphy has introduced a measure to cap its price at $35. 

“No Illinois family should have to go into debt or skip meals to afford life-saving medications,” said Murphy (D-Des Plaines). “We have made great strides in Illinois to make insulin more affordable, but we will not stop our work until every person who needs this medication has continuous access to it.”

In addition to capping out-of-pocket insulin costs at $35 per month, Murphy’s measure would also outline a plan to ensure that residents in urgent need of insulin are able to receive it in a timely manner.

Approximately 1.3 million Illinoisans have insulin-dependent diabetes. Insulin prices have continued to increase since the early 2000s, leaving many people to forgo the life-saving medication. Murphy’s measure would make insulin more affordable and accessible so no person has to choose between purchasing the medicine they need or putting food on their family’s table.

“It’s vital we make this medicine more accessible to the people who need it,” said Murphy. “It’s past time to put people’s health ahead of financial gain.”

Senate Bill 1559 passed the Senate Insurance Committee Tuesday and now heads to the full Senate for further consideration.