mobilehome 081721SPRINGFIELD – Mobile home owners across Illinois can now depend on financial transparency and a basic standard of living, thanks to new laws sponsored by State Senator Laura Murphy (D-Des Plaines).

“To know the terms of one’s loan agreement and to have access to clean water—those are essential rights every homeowner should be able to rely on,” Murphy said. “These laws simply bring protections for mobile home owners in line with those afforded to every other Illinoisan.”

A loan for a mobile home located in a mobile home park is different from a mortgage: Mobile homes are assessed and taxed as personal property rather than real estate, interest rates are often much higher than those for typical home loans, and refinancing options are limited. To ensure residents are well informed when purchasing a mobile home, Senate Bill 1779 requires lenders to disclose these differences to prospective mobile home buyers.

Murphy also championed Senate Bill 1780, which calls for the owner of a mobile home park to provide water to residents if the normal water supply has been disrupted for more than three days, unless the disruption is due to circumstances beyond the owner’s control. Murphy was inspired to introduce the legislation after a weeklong water shortage in 2019 at the Blackhawk Estates mobile home park in unincorporated Des Plaines, which left residents unable to shower, do laundry or wash dishes.

“The conditions faced by the residents of Blackhawk Estates aren’t unusual—mobile home owners across the state have been suffering from this kind of exploitation for far too long,” Murphy said. “These new laws will raise the bar.”

Senate Bill 1779 was signed into law Friday, and Senate Bill 1780 was signed at the end of July. Both laws take effect Jan. 1, 2022.