military student 081221SPRINGFIELD – Students who are serving or have served in the military now have easier access to tailored support services on campus under a law sponsored by State Senator Laura Murphy (D-Des Plaines).

“Students have faced unbelievable stress over the past year, and current and former military students are often under additional pressure,” Murphy said. “With the fall semester on the horizon, it’s important that we spread the word about available mental health resources.”

Currently, public colleges and universities must designate one employee to coordinate services for veteran and active military students. The employee’s contact information and a brief summary of their services must be available on the campus’ homepage and promotional mailings for student applications.

The new law requires the information to be available on the institution’s social media accounts as well.

“The resources already exist—we just have to ensure they reach the students they’re intended for,” Murphy said. “More and more, young adults are getting their news via social media. It’s time we take advantage of it as a means to share important information easily and instantly.”

Murphy introduced a similar measure last year, which passed the Senate with bipartisan support in March 2020 but was tabled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The law, originally Senate Bill 641, was signed into law Friday and took effect immediately.