mobilehome 042721SPRINGFIELD – Two measures proposed by State Senator Laura Murphy (D-Des Plaines) to increase transparency for mobile home buyers and improve conditions in mobile home parks have been sponsored in the House.

“Financial transparency and access to clean water are foundational rights that should be afforded to any homeowner,” Murphy said. “I’m proud to see this legislation being picked up in the House, bringing us one step closer to making these initiatives a reality.”

A loan for a mobile home located in a mobile home park is different from a mortgage: Mobile homes are assessed and taxed as personal property rather than real estate, interest rates are often much higher than those for typical home loans, and refinancing options are limited. To ensure residents are well informed when purchasing a mobile home, Senate Bill 1779 would require lenders to disclose these differences to prospective mobile home buyers.

Murphy has also introduced Senate Bill 1780, which calls for the owner of a mobile home park to provide water to residents if the normal water supply has been disrupted for more than three days, unless the disruption is due to circumstances beyond the owner’s control. Murphy was inspired to introduce the legislation after a weeklong water shortage in 2019 at the Blackhawk Estates mobile home park in unincorporated Des Plaines, which left residents unable to shower, do laundry or wash dishes.

“Every resident deserves to be able to rely on safe living conditions and to know where they stand financially,” Murphy said. “These measures ensure mobile home owners are protected just like any Illinois homeowner.”

Senate Bills 1779 and 1780 have been sponsored in the House by State Rep. Marty Moylan (D-Des Plaines).