GO BLUE Child Abuse Prevention


Members of the Illinois Senate Democratic Caucus wore blue on the first day of April to raise awareness for Child Abuse Prevention Month.

Last year over 43,000 children were indicated as having been abused or neglected in Illinois. By wearing a blue ribbon pin and the color blue, Illinois Senate Democrats helped bring recognition to child abuse survivors and honored those who tragically died due to abuse and neglect.

The month of April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month. This is an initiative that seeks to recognizes the importance of families and communities working together to strengthen families to prevent child abuse and neglect. Through collaboration, prevention services and support, Illinois can protect children and produce thriving families.

“Today, My friends and I in the Senate are wearing blue or donning a blue ribbon in recognition of Child Abuse Prevention Month, to support growing a better tomorrow,” said State Senator Adrianne Johnson (D-Buffalo Grove).

Visit www.childwelfare.gov for resources, statistics and information on child abuse prevention

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services also complies a report of all data on child abuse and neglect that has been received by local agencies. The report for 2020 can be found here