Senator Martwick


Springfield -  A legislative package intending to provide greater support for  law enforcement agencies ranging from mental health support, to hiring and retaining officers and the purchase of body cameras was unveiled at a press conference Monday with strong support from State Senator Robert Martwick (D-Chicago). 

“I am proud to join my colleagues in support of this legislative package to show that we are working to address the practical concerns of law enforcement agencies across the state,” Martwick said. “From clarifying when officers can use body cameras to getting more support for mental health issues in jails and helping local agencies recruit more highly qualified officers, Illinois is continuing to show up for our hardworking officers.” 

House Bill 3863 creates the Law Enforcement Recruitment and Retention Fund to help law enforcement agencies hire and retain qualified law enforcement officers.

House Bill 3893 would extend the Jan. 1, 2023 sunset date for allowing officers to use a device to record a conversation during an investigation. 

House Bill 4364 would create the Mental Health and Substance Use Prevention Fund to allow the Department of Human Services to fund grants to offer mental health and substance use prevention to people who are incarcerated and individuals in county jails or people who have been recently discharged.

To address disparities in pay across the justice system, House Bill 4228 would require that County Sheriffs are paid 80% of the salary of a State’s Attorney. 

House Bill 4608 would allow body camera grant funds to be used for data storage costs. It would also allow officers to flag video if they believe it may have evidentiary value. The measure also clarifies when an officer does not have to have a camera turned on, such as in training or only in the presence of other officers.  

Martwick joined the Illinois Sheriff’s Association, the Fraternal Order of Police Labor Council, the Illinois Association of Chiefs of Police and the Illinois State Police to express support for the package at Monday’s press conference. He plans to work with his colleagues in the Senate to advance the package before the scheduled April 8 adjournment. 
