holidaycard 121520CHICAGO – Many of those in long-term care facilities are in need of holiday cheer, and State Senator Robert Martwick (D-Chicago) is collecting holiday cards to deliver to the residents at Norwood Crossing in Norwood Park and Seniors Assistance Center in Norridge.

“During the holidays this year, many of the folks who live in long-term care facilities are struggling,” Martwick said. “With people staying home for safety, we are getting creative with the ways we support our seniors.”

Martwick is encouraging everyone in the 10th District to write cards, which can be homemade or store-bought, to help spread some holiday cheer during this difficult time.

Martwick is also encouraging kids to participate and make homemade cards.

Cards can be delivered to Martwick’s district office every Tuesday and Thursday until the 17th.

6315 N Milwaukee, Suite 101
Chicago, IL 60646

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