Senator Jones

SPRINGFIELD To keep children safe from reckless drivers, State Senator Emil Jones III (D-Chicago) passed legislation to make speeding in park zones an equivalent punishment to speeding in school zones.

“Parents should have the peace of mind that when their student is at school or at the park playing or running around with friends that they’re safe from reckless drivers,” Jones said. “When children are outside, drivers must be cautious and careful behind the wheel.”

House Bill 5328 would make speeding in a park zone the same as speeding in a school zone. Additionally, it clarifies that school zone speed limits apply to local, county and state roadways.

“Please drive safely and responsibly when you are driving around schools or parks,” Jones said. “Keeping our kids safe from reckless drivers is commonsense.”

House Bill 5328 passed the Senate and will move to the governor’s office for further action.