Jones 2021 Budget


SPRINGFIELD – Senate Deputy Majority Leader Emil Jones III (D-Chicago) issued the following statement in response to Gov. Pritzker’s proposed Fiscal Year 2023 budget:

“While we have made progress toward tackling the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, more work must be done to provide protections for our frontline and healthcare workers. Furthermore, we must do more to support our safety net hospitals, which are the backbone for health care in marginalized communities.

“Safety nets make up 19.1% of our state’s hospitals and care for our state’s most vulnerable populations. We must ensure that they are funded properly, and equipped with adequate staffing and resources.

“I urge the governor to release the $30 million from the American Rescue Plan funding for safety net hospitals and hospital transformations. The safety net grants must be restored back into the budget so that our most vulnerable communities are properly equipped to combat this pandemic and other health disparities.

“For years, many of our safety nets haven’t seen a dime of their much needed funding. Let’s deliver on the promises we already made before we commit to new ones.”
