HarrisDOLTON – State Senator Napoleon Harris, III (D-Harvey) will host a virtual town hall to share updated information on the Illinois Legislative Black Caucus’ agenda and COVID-19 vaccines.

Harris will be broadcasting the town hall live on Feb. 2, at 6.pm. from his Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/SenatorNapoleonBHarrisIII.

“After the January session, many residents had questions about the package of legislation we passed. This town hall is a great opportunity for them to get answers,” Harris said. “I urge community members to join to understand the Black Caucus’ agenda is all about equality and inclusion for people of color.”

During the January session, the Illinois Senate Legislative Black Caucus passed the most comprehensive legislative package in the nation to rid Illinois of systemic racism. The purpose of the town hall is to clarify misconceptions about the measures and answer any outstanding questions.

Harris will also discuss the state’s vaccination distribution plan.

For questions or additional information, Harris urges residents to contact his office at 708-893-0552 or visit his website here.