gillespie 040222SPRINGFIELD – Building upon their commitment to pass a balanced budget that benefits communities across the state, the Illinois Senate Democratic Caucus unveiled a $1.8 billion tax relief plan to put money back in people’s pockets – including a proposal sponsored by State Senator Ann Gillespie (D-Arlington Heights).

“Homeowners need help and this plan delivers direct relief to them,” Gillespie said. “As we continue to build an equitable recovery, working people across the state will see tangible relief on multiple fronts.”


The plan outlined Friday would directly deliver relief checks valued at $100 per person and $50 per child to state taxpayers making $250,000 individually or $500,000 jointly – sending money to 97% of taxpayers. A household of four could see a $300 check. Gillespie’s provision in the Pay it Forward Plan will provide homeowners with a maximum property tax refund of $300.


To address inflation and the rising prices at the pump, the plan also suspends the 1% state grocery tax and the state’s portion of the gas tax increase for six months. Parents could see additional relief at the store from Aug. 5-14 thanks to a plan to also wipe out the state sales tax on clothing, shoes and school supplies to give consumers an economic boost as they go back-to-school shopping.

“Freezing taxes on gas and groceries, and temporarily ending sales taxes on school supplies will help working families make the most of their back to school budgets,” Gillespie said. “Relief provided will be reinvested into local economies across the state and offer stability to those who have struggled the past few years.”

The comprehensive proposal also includes increased tax credits for teachers and volunteer first responders. Senator Gillespie is working with her colleagues to vote on the measure – Senate Bill 1150 – by the planned April 8 adjournment.