pexels andrea piacquadio 935756ARLINGTON HEIGHTS - In recognition of National Apprenticeship Week this week, State Senator Ann Gillespie (D-Arlington Heights) is celebrating and encouraging those interested to find out more about how to secure an apprenticeship.

“Apprenticeships are crucial in the development of new and young professionals,” Gillespie said. “They provide individuals with work place experiences, which then prepares them to become a productive member of the work force.”

National Apprenticeship Week is a nationwide celebration that gives businesses, communities and educators the opportunity to highlight their apprenticeship programs and apprentices, as well as to demonstrate the value apprenticeship programs offer businesses, career seekers and their communities.

Apprenticeships are important to business and industry, allowing them to develop and prepare their future workforce. But apprenticeships can be more than important to individuals –they can be life changing.

For more information on apprenticeships and National Apprenticeship Week, visit